Atto col quale uno stato dispone il sequestro di navi mercantili estere ancorate nei suoi porti o presenti nelle sue acque territoriali o impedisce loro di allontanarsene solitamente per facilitare eventuali ricerche di polizia ma anche come atto. 3 禁止 禁制 on.
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. La pression économique ainsi exercée vise à le contraindre à respecter ses. Be under an embargo 輸出 が 禁止されている. Embargo je postupak neke države ili skupine država koji ograničava isplovljenje brodova ili kretanje roba iz nekih ili svih područja jedne države u jednu ili više drugih država.
Embargo ɛmˈbɑːɡəʊ noun plural -goes a government order prohibiting the departure or arrival of merchant ships in its ports any legal stoppage of commerce an embargo on arms shipments a restraint hindrance or prohibition verb -goes -going or -goed tr to lay an embargo upon to seize for use by the state Word Origin for embargo. Embargo 名 出入港の禁止命令禁輸措置禁輸輸出入の禁止通商禁止The US. Er gehe davon aus dass Brüssel am Dienstag ein entsprechendes Sanktionspaket.
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Suspension des exportations dun ou de plusieurs produits vers un État à titre de sanction ou de moyen de pression. Zajęcie sekwestr zakaz importu lub eksportu określonych towarów do lub z danego państwa czyli ograniczenie handlu i innych stosunków z określonym państwem i jego bojkot na arenie międzynarodowejEmbargo jest instrumentem prawa administracyjnego nakładane przez rząd lub międzynarodowe organizacje traktowane jako szczególny środek. German officials said the country is prepared to stop buying Russian oil the Wall Street Journal reported.
En un sentido más amplio es la declaración judicial por la que determinados bienes o derechos de contenido o valor económico quedan afectados o reservados para extinguir con. Germany is ready to support a European ban. Lay put place an embargo on ships lay ships under an embargo 船に出港停止を命じる.
3 hours agoNach einem Treffen der EU-Energieminister rechnet Wirtschaftsminister Habeck mit einem Öl-Embargo gegen Russland. Lange war die Bundesregierung gegen ein EU-Importstoff für russisches Öl. 動詞 他動詞 1 船 に 出 入 港 禁止 を 命ずる.
Défense faite provisoirement à un navire de quitter un port. Di embargar impedire sequestrare lat. Nun hat sich der Wind gedreht.
An embargo is a government restriction placed on the importation or export of goods services or currency to another state. In a general sense a trading ban in trade terminology and literally distraint in juridic parlance is the partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a particular countrystate or a. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Allgemeines 2 Arten 3 Rechtsfragen 4 Geschichte 5 Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 6 Abgrenzungen.
Embargo verb Synonyms Antonyms of embargo Entry 2 of 2 as in exclude rule out Synonyms Near Synonyms for embargo exclude rule out shut out halt preclude prevent stop debar deprive disallow reject repudiate veto clamp down on crack down on crush put down quash quell repress silence snuff out squash squelch subdue. An embargo on the export of gold a gold embargo 金輸出禁止. Il consiste à restreindre ou à empêcher certaines importations etou exportations dun État.
7 hours agoNachdem nun auch Deutschland eingelenkt hat zeichnet sich ein Embargo der EU auf russisches Öl ab. Aus einem bestimmten Staat. 2 通商 を.
Trgovinski embargo je zabrana izvoza u jednu ili više država. 12 hours agoEU vor Embargo auf russisches Öl. Espagnol embargo empêchement obstacle 1.
Embargoes are most often directed at a state a country or a group of countries. Lembargo est une des sanctions de nature économique qui peuvent être prises à lencontre dun État. Im Interview mit ntvde erklärt Jens Südekum Professor für Internationale.
Embargoes can take several forms such as political trade and those that are environmental in nature. En Derecho el embargo se refiere a la suspensión o interdicción judicial del ius disponendi o derecho absoluto de disposición de la cosa que posea sobre cualquier bien económicamente realizable. Embargo von spanisch embargo Beschlagnahme Pfändung ist im Außenhandel und in der Außenhandelspolitik das behördliche Verbot des Exports undoder Imports von Gütern und Dienstleistungen in einen bzw.
2 通商停止 on. Un embargo nel diritto internazionale è una sanzione in base alla quale viene imposto ad una nave di non salpare o di non effettuare attracco presso un porto dello Stato in cui si trovi. In senso più ampio per embargo si intende il blocco degli scambi commerciali deciso da uno o più paesi nei confronti di un paese terzo solitamente per motivi politici o economici.
An embargo is similar but usually implies a more severe sanction. London CNN Business. Tell a friend about us add a link to this page or visit the webmasters page for free fun content.
These maps show how natural gas is behind Russias power. Embargo imˈbaːgəu noun plural emˈbargoes an official order forbidding something especially trade with another country. Strateški embargo ograničava samo prodaju roba koje neposredno i na poseban način utječu na vojnu moć neke države.
複数形 embargoes 1 船舶の 抑留 出 入 港 禁止 on. 7 hours ago0325 - Source. Imposed a trade em発音US embɑrgou UK embɑːgouカナイムバーゴ変化動embargoes embargoing embargoed - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和和英辞書検索.
The pivot from. That opens the door to a full Russian oil embargo by the European Union. An embargo from the Spanish embargo meaning hindrance obstruction etc.
Want to thank TFD for its existence. Embargo Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
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